When it comes to reliability, we are the one you need! We start where 811 stops...

Quality work through dedication

First Call Locating Is your first call after NC811. “We start where 811 Stops”

The law requires you to call 811 and have your public utilities marked before you dig. However, public utility companies will only locate the facilities they own (utilities that run meter to main like electric, gas, oil, telephone, and water). So we mark the underground utilities and structures 811 does not.


We provide private utility locating services for:

  • Homeowners

  • Plumbers

  • Electricians

  • Environmental Firms

  • Surveyors

  • Home Inspectors

  • Realtors

  • Property Management

  • Schools

  • Hotels

  • Restaurants

  • Zoos

  • Cemeteries

Understand Locator Marks

Utility locator markings protect you. So make sure you and your crew know how to read utility locator markings and know the American Public Works Association (APWA) uniform color code for marking underground utilities. Also, color code charts are usually available from local one-call utility locator service.
Locator flags are placed within paint marks.  So, if you find flags outside the borders of locator markings, someone may have tampered with them. 

The Tolerance Zone Protects Buried Utilites

The tolerance zone is the width of an underground utility plus a specified tolerance distance on both sides of that utility. Therefore, do not use power-digging equipment within this zone. But the zone provides a margin of error in case the locator marks are slightly off. Also it provides a buffer zone to prevent damage resulting from nearby excavation. Furthermore, the tolerance zone warns to proceed with caution.

The Tolerance Zone Also Protects You

If you do not respect the tolerance zone, you risk contacting buried utilities.  This is a problem that can be avoided. Also, you risk damaging them indirectly by removing supporting soil, which could cause the utility to bend or break. Furthermore, you could be injured or killed, and your company could be liable for any damages that occur.
So, to avoid damaging buried utilities, do not power dig within the tolerance zone.

What is the difference between “public” and “private” utilities?

Public utilities are the electric, gas, phone/cable, water and sewer lines that are brought in to a point by agencies such as Verizon, Duke Power and Piedmont Natural Gas. They  determine where their responsibility ends. And the area of responsibility can vary from place to place. So you may want to find out where their responsibility ends and where yours begins! As an example: Some cities are responsible for the water service line from the street connection all the way in to the main structure. Others are only responsible from the street connection to the water shut off valve in the yard or at the property line. Consequently, you’re responsible from that point into the main structure!

Private Utilities 

Private utilities are the electric, gas, phone/cable, water and sewer lines that are added beyond the responsibility point of the public agencies.
Examples are:
• Electric lines that go to outbuildings such as sheds, pole barns, garages, pools, etc.
• Gas lines that go to grills, pools, or outbuildings;
• Phone/Cable lines to outbuildings; Water or Sewer lines to outbuildings.
• A septic system, well, or irrigation system are also “private”.

Are location markings 100% accurate and are all utilities traceable?

No marked utility is 100% accurate. But the equipment used to find those utilities is very good. However, you need to understand that these utilities are underground and can’t visually be seen. We suggest a 2 feet leniency on either side of the marked lines to ensure safety or should it be hand dug (or pot-holed) so that the utility can be safely verified.

  • Water Leak Detection

  • Water And Sewer Lines

  • Sprinkler Valves

  • Telephone/Fiber

  • Power Cables

  • Gas Lines

  • Unknown Conduit Pipe

  • Storm Drain

  • Ground Fault Detection

Why Choose Us

  • What is in the ground is important. So our goal is to provide our customers with the most accurate subsurface utility locating possible. We are equally focused, however, on the foundation that underpins our business and relationship with our customers.  

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    Safe & Secure

    It is our job to keep you safe and protect you from injury.

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    We Have Answers

    We are knowledgeable and ready to explain the facts.

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    Low Cost

    Our highly trained crews are fast, efficient and professional.

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